World Book Day
Each year the school participates in World book Day, a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. It’s an opportunity for children to dress up as their favourite character and if they like, they can share a bit about that character with the class. This years event did not disappoint and the children came dressed in a real variety of costumes.

All the school started the day with assembly and Mr Markoff gave children time to come forward and tell everyone a little about who they were dressed as. He then gave a presentation on the Top 10 most read books in the world … the Bible being top of the list.

All the children enjoyed getting to play in their costumes during breaks and some really remained in character throughout! Even the teachers got into character and put great effort into their costumes.

As a follow on from World Book Day, the children will be taking part in a Readathon. Each child has a sponsor card which they will write on the books they will read and ask friends & family to sponsor them. Funds raised will buy books for children’s hospitals and 20% will also be given to the school to buy books.

So perhaps as I write this the children will have their head in a book making a start on all those wonderful books they are going to read before the end of March!