Winter Cafe 2023
Every year at the end of our Winter Term we have a Winter cafe event. This is an opportunity for the children to showcase some of their learning and for friends, family and supporters of the school to come along and enjoy some hospitality. This event is a great example of the teachers and parents working in partnership to organise a school event as the Parents and Friends Association organises the cafe, while the teachers prepare and practice what the children shall perform.

Every year Mrs Fraser organises the decor for the cafe and when we all think she couldn’t top the previous year… somehow she absolutely does! This year Mrs Fraser made decorations with the children during their Art lessons so there were lovely snowman centerpieces for the tables and snowflakes that hung from the ceiling. There was a homemade fireplace that was so welcoming and complemented the winter theme perfectly.

The showstopper, which will forever be a stand out, was the Gingerbread House that the hot drinks and food was served out of. Incredibly, Mrs Fraser constructed this all out of cardboard and as you can see from the picture below it was fantastic!

The PFA had organised a great selection of food and drinks – sandwiches, cakes, crisps and fruit to name a few. There was some luxury hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows as well as other drink selections. It took the whole morning to prepare, when the cafe started at 12.30pm it didn’t take long for the hall to fill up. People came to the Gingerbread House for their food and drinks then found a table to sit at where they could chat to others while they enjoyed their refreshments.

It was then time for the children to perform, there were a variety of group and solo performances. The Primary 1-2 class sang a lovely song called Be Kind and Compassionate to One Another and a gaelic song called Congrinero which were both led by Mr Barrowman.

The older children played some Recorder pieces that Mrs Snell had taught them, there were also violin, harmonica and piano performances from children who have been learning these at home. A group of girls in Primary 7 had prepared a gymnastics presentation and it was very well received by the audience. The Primary 3-4 class sang Jesus Loves Me in french and the Primary 3-7’s all sang Love the Lord your God, both were beautifully performed by the children.

The secondary school children were led by Dr Nicol as they sang Seek Ye First and one of the S1 pupils played the keyboard as the others sang. It was encouraging to have our first Winter Cafe with pupils ranging from P1 to S2!

After the performances were finished there was time to browse the stalls that had been set up in the P3-4 classroom and the items on sale were either handmade or donated. There were Sweetie Kebabs, Mars Bar cake, Tiffin cake, Fudge, Toys and Picture Frames… so a great deal of variety on offer! One pupil had also made snowman soft toys.

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the event, we raised a fantastic amount for the school and we are so thankful for this. We are also thankful for the teachers and parents who organised it all from the food to the decor to the performances… all were done with great effort. It was a great way to end the Winter Term!