Winter Cafe
After 3 years of being unable to hold our annual Winter Cafe event, we were so pleased to be able to invite friends and family along to what has always been a fantastic afternoon. It takes quite a bit of planning and preparing but the school is blessed with many who are willing to support the event in a variety of ways.

On the morning of the event, lots of time was taken to decorate the hall and the finished result was fantastic. Mrs Fraser, our art teacher, had been creating some table centerpieces with the children and wall decorations in the weeks leading up to the Cafe. There were also paper snowflakes that were strung along the ceiling giving such a good winter themed effect.

Tables for the craft stalls were filled with so many exciting things including hand knitted clothing, lots of delicious baking and hand made cards and scripture pictures. Special mention has to be made to the sock puppets made by one of our Primary 7 pupils, they were full of colour and creativity, each one carefully created.

The children were full of excitement as they had their last practice before the real thing in the afternoon. They all had beaming smiles on their faces and eyed up what goods they hoped to purchase from the stalls and what cakes they looked forward to enjoying.

At 12.30pm, all was ready and guests began to arrive. The hall began to fill up fast and it was so encouraging to have many come to support the children and the school. Their were parents, grandparents, aunts, siblings and church friends – what an amazing audience. It’s always lovely to see previous pupils of the school and there around 7 all reunited and pleased to see one another.

The first part of the afternoon was our Cafe, guests were invited to fill their plates with sandwiches, crisps, sweet treats of their choice, grab a hot or cold drink and find a seat at one of the tables set out. This gave time for friends old and new to chat as they enjoyed their lunch, there was also time to browse the stalls and make purchases.

After an hour, the time had come for the children to start their performances. As they all filed into their seats at the front of the audience, it was nice to watch them scan the crowd for those they recognised and give a smile and a wave. The schedule began with presentations from the P5-7 pupils on life in Victorian Britain, the topic they had covered over the winter term. Next were some performances from various children playing the recorder pieces they had learned in music. The main performance was a puppet show about the life of Queen Victoria and who knew you could tell such a story using none other sock puppets! There were lots of giggles and delight as everyone enjoyed the show, the children performed it so well. Afterwards, there was scripture memory verses quoted and the final song the children sang was The Lord’s my Shepherd. It was beautiful to hear all the children sing of the Lord and many in the audience joined in too.

It really was an afternoon filled with joy and delight, it was so good to be able to hold such an event after a difficult few years and we are thankful for all the support received. As always may we give all glory and honour to God for his continued grace and mercy to each of us.