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Melville-Knox Christian School Glasgow is currently the only Christian school in Glasgow and one of the few in Scotland. We offer a thorough and excellent education that is based upon the Word of God and prepares children to serve God throughout all stages of life. Children need to learn Biblical wisdom, a quality that is desperately lacking in modern Scotland. Biblical wisdom is not just learning facts about the Bible, but learning how the Bible relates to all of life. Biblical wisdom bows before Christ in every subject of the curriculum. It honours Christ who is Lord of all of life. Our School seeks to be consistently apply these principles through the whole curriculum to prepare our pupils to serve in His Kingdom.

If you are a parent, we invite you to consider partnering with us for your child’s education. Christian education is an investment in their future and we keep our fees as affordable as possible. Check out the photos below and read through our site to see what sort of education your child will enjoy.

If you want to see Reformation in modern Scotland, would you consider supporting the work of our School? You will find all sorts of reasons why a Christian school, like ours, is needed in Glasgow and how you can help support us. It is greatly appreciated.


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