Spring Fair
Part of the role of the PFA is to plan and organise fundraising events for the school. This year it was suggested to have a Plant sale in spring time… which developed into a Spring Fair and it was a wonderful event.

There were plants for sale which had been grown by parents and teachers at the school, there were also crafts made by the children and lots of homebaking! It was decided that the event would be held at our Sandyhills building as the grounds there would be perfect for a BBQ and children’s games on the grass… praying for dry weather began.

The committee worked hard and planned for many weeks the various different stalls that would be there, the food to be served at the BBQ and the games for the children outside. They coordinated the helpers who would man each stall and who would be responsible for preparations leading up to the day. The Friday before saw a group get together to clean and prepare the building for all that was to take place the following day. The grass also had a fresh cut in anticipation of the sunny weather set to come.

On the day itself, God really answered prayer and it was a beautiful sunny day! This allowed for seating to be set up outdoors, the children to play many games on the grass and the BBQ to be enjoyed in the sunshine. Inside there were stalls of many donated toys and home items as well as plants and clothes. Faith Mission had a book stall and donated a percentage of all sales to the school. There was also face painting, tattoos, crafts and bracelet making for the children. The home baking stall was certainly very busy!

It was really fun to watch all the children play together and enjoy their school community being together. It was also encouraging to see many new faces whether friends or family of those at the school, a real joy to welcome them. We raised around £1000 for the school which is just fantastic!

Thank you for all those who came along and showed your support. Thank you also needs to go to all those involved in the organisation leading up to and on the day, it was such a huge success.