School Performance
To carry on with our Solar System theme we chose to put on a performance about the moon landing. It was our first opportunity in 2 years to welcome family & friends to the school to see our children perform and they did not disappoint!
After weeks of practice and preparation, the evening was finally here! The children all sat excitedly, and perhaps a little nervously, as they watched the audience filter in and take their seats. The performance was about to begin!

The presentation took place in late 1969 on the set of a TV documentary called Into The Great Unknown, which explores the life and times of Neil Armstrong, the famous astronaut and his Apollo 11 crew Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. There were also two presenters, some game show contestants and a fantastic choir which made for an exciting performance from start to finish.

The closing hymn of the evening was How Great Thou Art and all present were pointed towards the creator of heaven and earth. It was a real pleasure to see and hear the children sing of Our Creator God, remembering the One who made the universe and all that is within. This is at the heart of our school and the foundation from which all teaching flows, it is a Christ centered worldview.
Afterwards there was a time of fellowship with tea/coffee and home baking being served. There were also stalls with toys, household items, plants and crafts for sale and all proceeds went to the school PFA. We are so thankful for those who came along to support our school and a huge thank you to the teachers, assistants and parents without whom the performance would not have been possible.