Reformation Day

The school’s annual Reformation Day celebration was a great success. It is always exciting to see who the teachers and children will be dressed as each year. Characters range from Kings & Queens to Knights, John Knox and Martin Luther.
During the week preceding the celebration, the children learn in school why Reformation Day was an important time in history for many christians and the church. The children are encouraged to dress as prominent people of that time and share on the day who they have chosen to be.

This year we were able to welcome family and friends to our celebration and it was great to have so many there supporting the school. It was during this assembly that many children and teachers came forward to share a little of who they had dressed as.

The children enjoyed playing various different games throughout the morning, especially favourite was Knights & Soldiers! There was also time for the children to draw and colour in.

There was a real feast prepared for all the children, teachers, family and friends. The above diet of worms thankfully tasted far better than it sounds! Other snacks included cupcakes, crisps and sweets. This was definitely a big hit with all the children and there were lots of happy faces as they munched through their chosen treats.

We are thankful to God for men and women during the time of the reformation who took a stand for God despite the consequences. May we too stand with the same unwavering faith and daily seek to honour the word of God in every aspect of our lives.