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Pupils' blog

This term has been very exciting! In Science we are learning about the Solar System. We learnt how the seasons and years are made, and how amazing God is to have made this universe. We are learning Psalm 8, which tells us that God remembers us among all the billions of stars. Our story about Joseph was exciting and Mrs Campbell teaches us about the parables of Jesus, like the Prodigal Son.

We also recently re-started our eco-committee, which should help to protect God’s world and keep it clean.

We are also doing a football club this term. There are four teams and you get three points each time you win.

When the snow was in the playground, we made a snow fort and almost everyone was helping.

The whole school have plans to go to the Glasgow Science Centre at the end of term.

We are looking forward to Term 4 now!

Pupils at Sunrise Christian School

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