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Primary School Reformation Tour

This year, children from our Parkhead Campus enjoyed a trip into Edinburgh for a Reformation Tour. The Primary school children had their trip on Tuesday 7th November and the weather was perfect for a day walking around the city. There was a coach to transport all the children and teachers which set off just after 9.30am and the journey took around 1 hour.

The first stop on the tour was St Giles’ Cathedral and the children learned how it is closely associated with John Knox, who served as the church’s minister after the Scottish Reformation. St Giles’ had a prominent role in both the Scottish Reformation and the Covenanters’ Rebellion as well as being one of the most important medieval parish church buildings.

The children walked to the grassmarket and stopped at the Monument to the Covenanter Martyrs, Greyfriars churchyard and the Covenanters prison. They learned about the history of each site and the courageous stories of those who lost their lives for the sake of the gospel.

The final visit was a trip into Edinburgh Castle, a steep walk up but worth it when you get there and enjoy the glorious views over the city. Castle visitors have access to Queen Margaret’s Chapel, the oldest building in Edinburgh. It was first built around 1130 by King David 1 and named it for his mother Queen Margaret.

It was a fun filled day and the children had a fantastic, hands on learning experience. Thank you to Jimmy Fisher from Scottish Reformation Tours for such a great day.

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