Our placement at Sunrise Christian School. (from the Dutch interns)
Time flies… Three weeks of teaching and assisting are behind us. How we enjoyed our placement at Sunrise Christian School! Rianne Meerkerk, who was at the school last year, told us about her placement. We became enthusiastic and contacted the school. We are grateful to everyone who helped us with the organisation of our placement. The purpose of our placement was to gain experience at a school in another country and to look into similarities and differences between education in The Netherlands and education in Scotland.
What a great experience it was! There was a lot to do at the school, but that’s why we felt we could be very useful. We also felt accepted and appreciated by the teachers and children. In the morning we did a lot of activities with the children during the maths and language lessons. We also helped to teach some PE lessons on Friday. The infants learned a beautiful song about the Netherlands. In the afternoon we were busy making educational materials and assisting with some activities.
Even though our English was not very strong, we had many conversations with the pupils and teachers. We learned a lot of new words during our stay in Scotland. And the children learned a few Dutch words. For example: goedemorgen (good morning) en dankuwel (thank you).
Norris family, we are so grateful to you for our stay during weekdays. Nothing was too much.. And Mrs Stewart and Mrs Campbell, thank you so very much for our stay with you at weekends. You were all so hospitable!
To everybody who made our placement possible and educational: thank you so very much! It was an unforgettable period of our training. It was hard to say goodbye to everybody after three weeks. We wish you all every blessing. We hope that God will bless the Christian education to the teachers, assistants, parents and children.
Margreet den Hartog and Petrine Vermeer