Our new Primary 1's

Our new Primary 1’s have settled well into their new school. They have quickly learnt the daily and weekly routines and are responding well to our positive reward system. In maths, they have been learning to count to 10, write numbers correctly and are beginning to add to 10 as well as reading the number words to 5. In literacy, we have been using the Jolly Phonics programme for reading and writing and they have enjoyed learning their sounds with stories, actions and songs.
Our topic this term was Day Six of the Creation week and our focus was on land animals. They have been learning through cross curricular activities about the God-appointed design, habitats, instincts and predators of various animals.
In health and well being, we have been learning about road safety and are planning a weekly ‘October Walk’ around our neighbourhood when we will practise our skills. They have had a fun filled term of group and individual active learning activities.