October Prayer Requests
“…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
We are thankful for:
- Outdoor renovations with new monoblock
- Storage cabinet organised by Janneke Fraser
- Carpet cleaned by Simon Anderson with cleaner donated by Homebase
- Art (Janneke Fraser and Vera Wilson) and PE volunteers (Ian Gillies)
- Dedicated, skilled and enthusiastic volunteer teacher assistants
- School Vision Workshop organised by Simon and Syinyi that taught us to channel our efforts in order to achieve our dream for the school
- Harmony amongst staff and pupils
- Visit from Dutch Christians with an interest in supporting the school
- Anjali, who was one of the first pupils at our school, has come back from down south to join our school again!
We would like to focus our prayers on:
- The Lord’s help in organising an open day for the school
- A suitable school building to be provided to grow our school and fulfil our vision for Sunrise!
- The Lord’s provision of funds to either purchase land to build on/or purchase the new premises
- As grateful as we are to our Dutch Christian supporters, we would like to pray for an increased interest from local Christians and growth of kind donations from our homeland to help the school meet the running costs and follow its vision
- Continued interest in the school and more parents coming to realisation of importance of Christian education
- Continued favour within the community and from government agencies.