New School Year
Summer holidays always seem to go by so quickly. Maybe it is time spent visiting family who live further afield, or enjoying holidays somewhere new, or perhaps just being home and enjoying the break from the ‘normal’ routine! However they are spent…they seem to go by fast and before you know it, school returns.

The first day of term had arrived and there was so much excitement! This year, seven new Primary 1 children joined the school and it was lovely to see them all settle in well. We are also thankful to welcome our new part time teacher Mrs Gamble and our new supply teacher Mrs Kain.

It’s a privilege and a joy to be able to teach each of our pupils from a biblical perspective and to watch them grow each year they are with us. So at the beginning of this new school year, let us pray that each child, family and teacher at our school will know the Lord’s blessing upon them.