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Melville-Knox @ The Tron

Last night was a great encouragement as many came to hear of the future plans to have a Melville-Knox school at the Tron Kelvingrove. Faces old and new came together to learn more of the proposed primary school that will begin, God willing, in August 2023.

Paul Brennan, associate minister at The Tron, began the meeting and the opening bible reading was from Deuteronomy 6, theses verses imply that education is not distinct from the spiritual formation of our children but is integral to it. Education is not something we delegate away without careful thought, it is not education for education’s sake. Paul encouraged us to strive for christian education for our children with the greater goal being that they will love and glorify Him.

Rev. Stephen McCollum, current minister at Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian church and Chairman on the Melville-Knox board, then spoke to us about the history of Christian Education within Scotland and the great need for it now. The very name Melville-Knox being a reminder of the great vision of both John Knox and Andrew Melville for Christian education in Scotland. Being the first teacher of Melville-Knox Glasgow (formerly Sunrise Christian School), Stephen has been involved from the beginning and has watched God grow the school from 5 pupils to its current school roll of 36. Looking over the whole journey to date it can be said ‘Thus far the Lord has helped us’ and with that we have assurance and confidence that He will continue to help us.

Samuel Markoff, the current headteacher at Melville-Knox Glasgow, gave a presentation about the school. This was informative, answering many of the common questions or myths parents may have regarding christian schools. The school day is like other schools teaching maths, english, science, history etc but all are taught from a Christ centered and Biblical worldview.

Lastly there was a Q&A session, giving opportunity for those in the audience to ask questions. As the meeting came to a close, Willie Philip who is minister at The Tron, closed in prayer.

Anyone who is interested in The Tron campus is encouraged to submit an application, this will help with planning for numbers in August. We want to thank God for his continued faithfulness and goodness, may He have all the Glory.

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