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Fundraising news!

It’s the first week of May and we have already received lots of donations amounting to a total of £26.390! Everybody at the school is truly grateful for these kind gifts that are going to help our school move to new bigger premises! Everybody involved with the school is thinking about the ways they could raise money to help and we are all watching that “red line” on our website grow that little bit closer every week to £100.000 needed for the move! Pupils in the P5-7 class have decided to raise money for the new school building by selling books, squishies and putty. The children have now been raising money for three weeks and have already raised £50! We have also decided to use the school curriculum for this term to do a bit of fundraising. This term the whole school have been practising hard for a school play about the World War II which is set in London. We will be asking people to come and see the children perform at the end of this term for a donation which will go towards our new school building!

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