From the Netherlands with love

Thank you Jan, but more importantly, thank you God!
Jan van Panhuis came from the Netherlands and cycled a long long way because of his great love for the children of Scotland. Jan shares the desire with Sunrise Christian School that children in Scotland be taught about Christ’s work and world in a Christian setting.
It took Jan 8 days to cycle from the Netherlands and it was a very big challenge for him to keep peddling. You see, Britain is not so flat as Holland! Jan reached Glasgow on the 6th August 2013 and he was very glad to see the church and the crowds of smiling children when he arrived.

A well-deserved medal!
As you can see from the banner the children were very thankful to Jan and he raised a lot of money for the school. We have a lot to be thankful to God for. Jan was presented with medals by the children. Who needs an Olympic cycling gold when you can have medals given with such love?
We give thanks to God for Jan’s keeping and safe arrival and for the monies raised for the school by him.