End of Term
At the close of this school year we had a week of fun activities that children thoroughly enjoyed. We were thankful to the PFA, specifically Beccy Fraser, for organising a Fun Day at the school. There was so much creativity going on and the pictures show what a great time the children had.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to join with Mannafields Christian school in Edinburgh for their Sports day due to heavy rain forecast. Although it was disappointing, the children were still able to participate in games and races which were organised by Mrs Bartlett, our P.E teacher. Thank you Mrs Bartlett.

Barnabas Aid visited to speak to the children about the work they do with helping Christians in need around the World. They also got to taste ‘Epap’ which is a type of porridge that Barnabas Aid send to countries where children are malnourished. The children at the school had the opportunity (with the help of their families) to fill boxes with food and even got to help load them into the Barnabas Aid staff’s cars!

On the last day of term we had our closing assembly and were joined by some of the pupils family and friends. Rev McCollum spoke about running the race, an encouragement and challenge to each of us. We also enjoyed watching the Latin play which the P5-7 class had put together with Mr McCollum. Pupils then received their awards and our three P7 leavers also got their certificates and Leavers Hoodies. We had the opportunity to say a big thank you to all our volunteer classroom assistants before ending with a closing prayer.

We are thankful to God for his many blessings over the last school year and trust His continued blessing as we look forward to returning in August.