Dutch Visitors
On Thursday 7th March Sunrise School welcomed 8 Dutch teachers who were over on a visit to Scotland. They had assembly and worship with us and then took turns to deliver a range of interesting lessons to the students. All the students received a lively English lesson about Oceans from Mr Jan Willem van Panhuis and Ms Mathilde can Meeuwen. After break Mr Henk de Bruin gave an animated lesson about animals in Proverbs which was followed by an enlightening economy lesson from Mr Willem van de Belt. After lunch Mr Tijmen Booij delivered an engaging lesson on the Covenanters. The children at the school all thoroughly enjoyed the change of routine from normal lessons and spent some time chatting to the teachers during break and lunch times.

On Friday morning another group of teachers came to Sunrise with the purpose of generating ideas for the garden of the new school. Mr Martin van Engelen, Ms Marga den Ulden and Ms Heleen den Ouden all led and participated art and design lessons. The children enthusiastically created their garden designs and enjoyed sharing their ideas and plans with each other.

As well as the variety of lessons being delivered there were also meetings and workshops going on at different times between other Dutch Teachers, School Board Members, Sunrise Teachers and parents. These meetings were about sharing ideas for school resources for teaching Covenanter/Reformed History, IT resources to support literacy and planning for the school garden.

It was a busy and fulfilling week and teachers and students at Sunrise appreciated meeting the teachers from Holland and receiving their support in the various ways. But above all, we are thankful to God for providing for the school thus far and look to Him to continue to provide and guide us as we endeavour to prepare the new school building.