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December Prayer Requests

Please encourage others to pray for our work.

Give thanks for:

-the diligence of the pupils and staff in their work.
-how well the pupils are learning their Bible verses, catechism answers, and other school work.
-several new enquiries about the School that show us that many parents want a Christian education for their children. Give thanks that there are potential new pupils to begin in January.
-continued support from the wider Christian community.
-the work of the leadership of the School.

Please pray for:

-the positive development of the School, including the stability and reputation of the current primary school and future development of both nursery and secondary schools. Pray especially that churches will see the School as a necessary part of reformation of society.
-wisdom for the leadership who have to make important decisions about the School. The decision to lower the fees to be more affordable has already engaged more parents.
-the teachers as they seek to instill Biblical wisdom in all curricular areas, not just in RE.
-continued blessing of fellowship among staff and pupils.
-the salvation of all the children, if they are not saved already and that God’s Word would be written on their hearts.
-more financial support so that we can promote Christian education more widely.

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