Closing Assembly
At the end of our school year we joined together with staff, pupils, parents and friends for our closing assembly. It was a time to give thanks to God for another school year, recognize the achievements of all the children and to thank our volunteers. It was also a time to say goodbye to our school leavers.
Rev. Stephen McCollum led us in singing Psalm 148, a Psalm of praise to God. He then spoke about Josiah who became King at just 8 years old. Even at a young age the bible tells us he ‘sought the Lord early’, a challenging and encouraging thought for us all.

Mr Markoff presented the children with their certificates and excitement filled the room as they each listened for their name being called!

Our teachers work so hard each academic year and the parents presented Mr Markoff, Mrs Snell and Mrs Markoff with a thank you card and gift as an appreciation for all their hard work. Our school is also extremely grateful for all our volunteers who offer so much support to the daily running of the school. As a thank you, the children made lovely cards and the PFA gave each assistant a voucher.

Our closing assembly is also a time to give special recognition to our leavers. This year we had four leavers, two of which were Primary 7’s. Leavers 2022 T shirts were signed by the other children at school and presented along with a Queen’s Platinum Jubilee edition bible.

We pray everyone has a blessed summer holiday and look forward to welcoming children back in August.