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April Prayer Requests

We truly appreciate all those who regularly pray for the work of the School. Please continue to pray for the pupils and for the development of the School. The following points can be shared with friends and churches.

Give thanks for:

-the two new P1s that we will have next year.
-a successful term which has just been completed. Our pupils have worked very hard and are beginning to understand that we can glorify God in our School work. This is making a difference to the quality of their work.
-our faithful classroom assistants who volunteer a lot of time and energy to help our School.
-the visit we had from our new inspector from Education Scotland and for how she was impressed with the School.
-an encouraging joint in-service day for the teachers from Lewis Independent Christian School and Mannafields Christian School. We were able to share ideas that will benefit each other.
-continued support from the wider Christian community, including friends in the Netherlands and USA.

Please pray for:

-a good holiday for our pupils, teachers, and classroom assistants.
-the teachers to set Christ-like examples in word and deed.
-the salvation of all the children, if they are not saved already, and that God’s Word would be written on their hearts.
-our upcoming car wash (23rd April) and car boot sale (7th May).
-that the wider Christian community would get involved with the work of our School through prayer and financial support.
-our teacher as he speaks to various churches about the work of the School.

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