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A Letter from the Chairman of the Board

Dear Parent/Supporter

At a meeting of the School Board on Monday 9th January 2017 the Board received and accepted the resignation of Mr. Stephen McCollum as a teacher at Sunrise Christian School. Mr. McCollum tendered his resignation having received a request to become the minister of Stornoway Reformed Presbyterian Church.  The Board wishes to express its genuine heartfelt thanks to Stephen for the quality and manner of his dedicated leadership of the School.  Sunrise Christian School is in a good place today and that is primarily due to the hard work of Stephen, ably supported by his wife Brenda.  He has served the Lord well in this role and we truly wish him and Brenda God’s richest blessing for the future.

In terms of the schedule of events, here is what is going to happen, God willing.
– Stephen will continue in his role until the end of this term, that is the 31st March 2017.
– Our two teachers, Mrs Anna Stewart and Mrs Danielle Campbell, have been consulted and they will lead the school for the summer term.
– The Board has appointed a Recruitment Committee comprising; Rev. Andrew Quigley, Mr John Cormack, Mr Stephen McCollum, and Mrs Anna Stewart.  This Committee will commence immediately the recruitment process, with a view to bringing a proposal to the Board in the coming months for the appointment of a Principal Teacher in August 2017.

As we look forward to 2017, we are very conscious of the Lord’s hand being upon us in 2016.  During the calendar year we saw an increase in pupils from 5 full-time and 1 part-time and 4 children who were in for PE, to 19 full-time, 3 part-time and 4 for PE.   This has obviously increased income from school fees, and with a considerable increase in donations we have been able to increase in the teachers’ hourly rate of pay.  We are in the process of recruiting a paid part-time administrative secretary and we have also taken a decision to commence paying the expenses of our classroom assistants.  These decisions have been taken to honour biblical requirements of employment and care of people.

We wish to assure you that we have a clear plan, in the grace of God, for the ongoing development, of Sunrise Christian School.  This plan includes the future provision of a purpose built building and a continued proactive campaign of promotion of the school.

If you are a parent, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you and your child. We trust that you will continue to have a positive experience of the school.

If you are a supporter of the school, thank you.  Along with the parents you are helping us to help develop what we trust will become, by the will of God, a well established reformed confessional Christian school.  All we ask is that you continue to invest in this Kingdom work as the Lord leads for His glory.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Andrew Quigley
SCS Board Chair

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