June Prayer Requests
Give thanks for:
-God’s goodness to us through the year; He helped us at every hurdle.
-a successful first year (we received a good Inspection report, the pupils have produced great work, and there has been a genuine focus on Christ in our curriculum).
-the many volunteers and sponsors who work behind the scenes.
-the new P1 pupils for 2015-2016.
Please pray for:
-the salvation of all the children, if they are not saved already.
-the development of a Christian worldview and Godly character in all the pupils and that God’s Word would be written on their hearts.
-increased enrollment for the new academic year and that God would bring in those who need Christian education.
-our School to be a witness to the community and a help to the Church.
-our Staff and volunteers during their holiday.
-our leadership as they have important decisions to make for the development of the School.