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Back to School

Satu (P7) writes some of her thoughts about the start of the school year. She has even composed a wonderful poem to describe the experience!

At Sunrise we have been learning the Shorter Catechism. We learn a new question every week and now we’re on question 31. We get tested on the question on Friday, and if we get it right we get a sweetie. I like the Shorter Catechism because it helps us understand the Bible.

This term we’ve been learning about Gaelic culture as our project. We’ve been learning simple Gaelic words like girl (nighean) and boy (ballach) and man (duine) and woman (boireanach). We learned about peat cutting because people in the Highlands and Islands do it. We made posters about it. Some time I’d like to learn how to make some Gaelic food and what clothes they wear.

This term we’ve got new pupils. Hurray! They are both P1s and they’re girls. Their names are Mia and Sarita. In P.E. we play ballgames. We learned a new one called bucketball. We’ve learned some new catching skills. In I.T. we did some drawing on the computer. I drew a picture about our pets. I found it fun! My picture was beautiful, colourful, and funny!

Back To School

Back to school, this is cool,
Out of bed, my mother said,
P7 now, don’t know how,
Lots of fun, jump and run,
Through work fast, easy work past,
Some work is hard, I made a card,
This is school, sure it’s cool,
Hard work too, so much to do!

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