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£100K in 100 days!!! New Premises Funding Appeal

Following the Board meeting on Monday the 19th of March, we are happy to announce that the Sandyhills Gospel Hall in South Glasgow got unanimous approval as suitable prospective new premises. It has a usable hall and plenty of land for expansion of the school.  It will require a new central heating system and other renovations to adjust it for the school use.

We are now launching an urgent appeal for funds. We have to raise £100,000 to acquire this property and complete all the necessary work inside to make it suitable for provision of education. We are appealing to all those who are able to help our school move further forward in this very important step which will enable the provision of Christian education from nursery through to secondary. To learn more about the purpose and vision of our school please see

If like us you see the need of reformed Christian education in our land, a school that provides Christian education and environment,  please donate on BT MyDonate page

or send a cheque for “Sunrise Christian School” to the school’s current address: 34 Saughs Drive, Glasgow G33 1HG (Robroyston Church of Scotland building).

As you know, we are hoping to pursue our vision and start a nursery/pre-school based on Christian values and a much needed, (and hoped for by pupils and parents), secondary school. This new property and the land are crucial in enabling development of these projects. We believe the Lord will provide as He has always in the past. From the beginning of the school, all achieved so far has been on the back of the Lord hearing our prayers. Please be part of this by praying for the means to purchase this building and land and if you can, please donate today. We need 100K in 100days!

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